David A. Matos, Jr.

Member, Latino Action Network Steering Committee , Retired state government administrator; lobbyist; chef

Location Bergen County

Pronouns he/him

Email address [email protected]

Telephone number 609-953-1047

Photo of David A. Matos, Jr.

Biographical information

David Matos, Jr. is a seasoned career public servant with over forty years of experience in government and public affairs. He has an extensive public policy and administrative background. He has held a number of key senior executive branch and legislative positions: chief of staff at two cabinet level departments in New Jersey state government (Attorney General and Public Advocate), special assistant to the Governor, director of the state office of Hispanic Affairs, director of policy and research for the NJ General Assembly, and associate dean of one of the state’s medical schools. In these roles, he was an architect of many major New Jersey policy initiatives with an emphasis on health care, public safety, homeland security, urban affairs and transportation. His knowledge of the inner workings of the legislature and executive agencies, coupled with his vast network of resources and contacts, both in and outside of government, have made him one of the most sought-after public affairs strategists in New Jersey. After 29 years of State service, Matos opened a lobbying and public affairs firm that focused on assisting nonprofit organizations such as health care systems, professional associations and small municipalities. He has guided the strategic planning of many of New Jersey’s Latino community based organizations. He concluded his working life by pursuing a lifelong ambition and becoming a professional chef at one of the state’s top 10 rated Italian restaurants. He is a graduate of Rutgers College, the Rutgers Graduate School of Social Work, and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Active in the community, he has served on numerous national and state boards and commissions. He is a founding board member of the Latino Action Network, the Latino Leadership Alliance, CeasefireNJ, and the Boys and Girls Club of Camden. Matos and his wife, Marie Hall, live in Medford Lakes where he served as a captain in the fire department and as emergency management director.